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Snapchat Is Indoctrinating Children Even More Than Their Teachers Are

Image CreditPexels/Photo

This article shows sexual content inappropriate for children.

You saw Twitter suppress and censor the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. You know Google conspired with NBC to try and deplatform The Federalist. You watched how after election day big tech oligarchs purged conservatives from social media and colluded to destroy Parler.

What you probably haven’t heard much about is Snapchat. Why? Adults aren’t really on the app. A 2020 study found Snapchat is the most popular social media among U.S. teens (TikTok is a close second).

It is dominated by social media’s youngest users, and with its short-lived, disappearing content, parents have no way of keeping tabs on what their kids are looking at. For years, Snapchat has flown under the radar, yet they are arguably the most influential and dangerous app because of its solid grip on the next generation of Americans.

Parents tend to think Snapchat is just about sending photos and videos to your friends. Snapchat used to just offer one- to ten-second person-to-person photo and video sharing and “stories” of 24 hours of chronological content that all your Snapchat “friends” can view.

However, in 2015, Snapchat got into the brainwashing business when it introduced “Discover,” a feature for publishers like CNN, Complex, The New York Times, Mashable, People, Vice, and Vox to showcase short, ad-supported content. Snapchat also offers smaller brands and content creators a platform on Discover, like the famous left-wing podcast “Pod Save America” and “Hooked on the Look,” a documentary series focusing on people who go to extreme lengths to look a certain way.

Snapchat’s editorial team has complete control over Discover content. They carefully hand-select propaganda to be placed right before your child’s eyes. Here’s what I found after scrolling through my Snapchat Discover feed.

Snapchat “news” only includes left-wing publishers. For example, a rundown of past “Breaking News” Discover stories reveal they are entirely dedicated to giving the latest Black Lives Matter updates.

The first story from The Telegraph reads “Stop using the word mother” (and breastfeeding), like the staff at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals have, in order to be “trans-friendly.” Instead, we should be using terms like “birthing parents,” “second biological parent,” and “chestfeeding.”

What’s more important than Snapchat’s partnership with legacy media is the cultural stories from less serious publications that are the most effective at reeducating young people with colorful story thumbnails and catchy headlines.

Here is another Discover video titled “I Helped my Dad Transition Into a Woman” from the series, “My Extraordinary Family.” Previous episodes include “Poly Family Won’t Reveal The Father,” “Trans Parents Won’t Gender Their Kids,” and “We’re Judged For Allowing Our 9Y/o To Transition.”

Seventeen Magazine currently has a feature on JoJo Siwa, who “Just Revealed The Identity Of Her Girlfriend.” Siwa is a 17 year-old influencer who got her start on the hit Lifetime series “Dance Moms.”

Siwa has a large and very young following. She recently stated that she “doesn’t really know [the] answer” to her sexuality, but started dating a girl this month. The supportive magazine called the couple “cute” and “adorable” in the feature. Aside from Seventeen Magazine, three other separate publishers had stories about Siwa and her new girlfriend.

The next Discover piece from “This is Life” features a story called “The Hardest Part About Being A Trans Model.”

The popular publisher “Love Don’t Judge,” currently has an episode called “We Have Two Bedrooms – One For Each Of My Lovers” which describes the life of a woman and her husband of eight years and her new girlfriend. The three live together in a polyamorous relationship.

Ben Shapiro recently did a reaction video to a previous “Love Don’t Judge” Snapchat episode titled “My Name Is Tony and I’m a Human Pup.”

Finally, I scrolled to find “My Kids Are Into Witchcraft—Should I Be Worried.” This is a pretty disturbing CBC Snap story that links to an article concluding that witchcraft is harmless and provides teens “a sense of community” and the “[comforting] belief in something that is a higher spiritual concept” during the pandemic.

A Business Insider’s poll found that 59 percent of Generation Z (6 and 24 year-olds) listed social media as their top news source. Snapchat delivers more news than any other social media app. They have a unique and powerful effect on young viewers.

It isn’t hard to imagine a team of millennial Snapchat editors in Silicon Valley having an agenda. There is a reason Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, or even The Federalist do not have a platform on Snapchat. “The Ben Shapiro Show” is the only conservative series featured on Discover, and that was a very recent addition.

Simply sharing my everyday feed should make it obvious Snapchat clearly seeks to indoctrinate American youth. It provides slanted news from legacy media publications that are selective and misleading.

It confuses children’s sexuality. It presents bizarre relationships as normal, lying to kids by labeling these ways of life happy and healthy. It breaks down tradition and family to mold a generation of social justice warriors who will enter adulthood with warped conceptions of right and wrong, even a misunderstanding of what is good and evil since they are literally advocating for witchcraft.

Maybe you are laughing at the Snapchat content or even laughing at me for spending an evening scrolling through it. No question, Shapiro’s reaction to “Love Don’t Judge” is pretty funny. However, just because the content seems silly does not mean it doesn’t matter culturally. Millions of young people are consuming it every day. It is shaping their minds and perceptions as well as our future.